Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hey friends. Welcome back to Haning Christianity. It's Friday, black Friday, and I have a deal on my book live free. Uh, I don't know if you've followed along or not, but I just reviewed it. Just went through a 20 episode review, reviewing every chapters of my book live free. You can access that below if you, if you missed out on it. But if you would like to access this book, you can get a physical copy for 30% off. You can get a Kindle version, 70% off. And as of today, this is the exciting announcement, somewhat embarrassing because it should have happened four years ago, but we have an audio version available. So the way you get this audio version, I, if you wanna look in the review below, the links below the very first one, I discuss why the audio version has been such a headache to make possible, but it's not gonna be on Audible.
Speaker 0 00:00:59 You're not gonna find it on any audio book platform. The way to access it, first of all, a bunch of you had signed up when you bought the book. When I first released this, you also had a deal where you would get a free version of the audio book. So if you, if you bought the book four years ago, back when I first released it, you likely, you should have in your inbox right now an email with a zip file to, to get the audio version for free. So this, what I'm about to say, does not count for you. Anybody else, you were not a part of that initial, uh, deal when I first released the book, but you would like to access the audio version. Just click the link below, become a, a member of Unfeigned Christianity. It's $10 a month, and you will be able to receive the audio version through that way.
Speaker 0 00:01:53 The other thing you'll get with as a membership is you get exclusive articles and interviews. There's already an, a full archive, I think something like 250 plus articles or, or podcast interviews, videos, different things that you'll be able to access immediately. But then ongoing, I usually have about two deep dive essays a month, and then one to two exclusive interviews a month. And you get that as long as you maintain your membership. But even if you just want to sna the audio version, you can become a member today, download the audiobook, and then cancel your membership. And you have the audiobook for life that way. So I want to tell you about that. Just click the link below, or if you're, if you're not able to click on it right now, but you're wondering what the link is, just go to www.asherwhitmer.com/member and then become a member and you'll be sent an email with the audiobook file. So, thanks for being a listener. Thanks for
Speaker 1 00:02:59 Participating in this review. If you've followed along with it, and thanks for your support and interest in my work. It's an honor or privilege to be able to, to share this with you. I look forward to getting back to some more interview styles of podcasts in the coming weeks. Grace and Peace.