As mentioned in the episode, this is an introduction to the forthcoming course, Finding My Place in God's Story. If you are interested in the course and want to be notified when it becomes available, sign up at
If you'd like to contact Asher and those at Unfeigned Christianity, you can email [email protected].
Become a member and access expanded episodes at,
Transitional music for this episode has been contributed by Corey Steiner at The opening song is Sunset Drive by Evert Z and the closing song is Homesick by Sean Williams.
Is same-sex attraction lust? What causes someone to be same-sex attraction? Will I cause someone who is same-sex attracted to struggle with lust if...
In chapter 13 of, I transition from talking about sex and emotional health the larger purpose for our existence. Some things I'd say...
This was the toughest chapter of to write and it was tough to read again. But it's necessary. Here's my take on it...